I spent part of my day off learning about the BeagleBone Black (BBB). I want to replace the Raspberry Pi (RPi) in my Home Environmental Sensor Array with a BBB. The BBB is a Linux computer just like the RPi but the BBB has both digital and analog inputs and more of them.
Here is some general information I learned. The BBB is using the sh shell. The RPi uses the bash shell. The BBB comes with a version of Angstrom Linux on the internal eMMC card.
I needed a way to power the BBB without the USB connected to a PC. I had an old Linksys phone device that has a power supply that converts 120v to 5v, 2A. It will power the BBB.
Previously, I created an account on the BBB for kbecker with my standard password. I plugged the BBB in to an ethernet cable and could ssh into it from my Linux laptop. I tried using FileZilla to connect to the BBB but it would not login. FTP is probably not enabled for anonymous access or something.
I don't really want to make any changes to the BBB until I upgrade the O/S and put Ubuntu Linux on a bootable mini-SD card. I don't have a mini-SD card right now. That is the next thing to do.
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