
Friday, August 8, 2014

Motorshield Assembled for pcDuino v2

Today, I continued working on the Wifi Enabled, Remote Controlled, pcDuino Powered, Video Surveillance Robot.  I bought a MotorShield v2.3 from Adafruit.  It came mostly assembled for some reason.  I simply had to solder on the connector pins.  That was pretty easy.  (See the pictures below.)

The next step is to test an Arduino script to run a motor.  The problem is that I need to run a GUI interface on the pcDuino.  This means that I need to have both a keyboard and mouse plugged in to the one USB port on the pcDuino at the same time.  I do not have a USB hub and I could not find one at the Makerspace.  I thought about making one but it looks like I would have to make my own PCB.  Probably not worth it.

So, I will have to put off testing the motor shield until I get a USB hub.  In the meantime, I downloaded the Arduino script files for the board from Adafruit.  The files were in a zip format, that I downloaded to my laptop.

In order to get the zip file to the pcDuino, I installed FTP server on the pcDuino by executing sudo apt-get install vsftpd.  Then, I used FileZilla to move the zip file to the pcDuino.

Whenever I get a USB hub, I will be ready to test the motor.

Unassembled motor shield.

Bottom view of shield with pins soldered on.

Top view of shield with pins soldered on.

The shield attached to the pcDuinoV2.

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